How Can Tight Muscles Result in Backpain?

Even if you are not an athlete and resist strenuous activities, it is difficult to escape backpain. Spending a big part of days crouched in front of laptops/computers and smartphones has resulted in backpain for a huge chunk of the tech-savvy generation. And the sad part is that this pain is not temporary.

Apart from sitting for long hours, backpain can also result from a variety of causes like- poor mattress, unhealthy postures, dehydration, and sudden strenuous physical activities. Popping in quick off-the-counter painkillers may provide temporary relief but you will soon find the backpain returning. So what is the permanent solution to the reoccurring backpain? The answer might lie in knowing how tight muscles result in backpain and getting to the root cause to eliminate the constant pain.

Reason For Tight Muscles

Back muscle pain can express itself in a variety of symptoms, like cramps, short bouts of pain, constant discomfort, spasms, and stiffness. And this is the direct result of the tightness of muscles in your back. The muscle tissue in the back is made up of cells that provide flexibility to the muscles for movement. The cells make up the muscle fibers that supply the back area with blood and keep it oxygenated.

These muscle fibers are also connected to the nervous system from where they get the signals of stimuli responses. When the muscle fibers in the back suffer from any damage or discomfort, they get tensed to prevent further damage. This causes a loss of regular blood supply and sends pain impulses to the brain. Simply put, tight muscles in the back cause pain as a cry for help. You need to get to the root cause of the issue and eliminate the cause of the muscle discomfort.

What To Do?

If the muscle pain is bearable and does not require professional help, multiple self-care remedies will ease out the pain significantly.

1. Stretches

Sparing a few minutes every day to stretch your back muscle might work wonders for relieving your pain. You will not only feel energetic for the entire day but also gain more endurance. You can try a variety of Yoga poses to begin relaxing your back muscles. Exercises like- hip circles, prayer pose, knees to chest, pelvic thrusts, and legs up the wall can relax your muscles and make them stronger.

2. Pain Killers

Exercising and stretching your back muscles is an effective method but will not work magically to ease out sudden pain bursts. If the pain causes a lot of discomforts then you need to pop in some off the counter painkillers. You can purchase pain relief ointments or pain killers like Ibuprofen for instant pain relief(Consult with Doctor First). Although these would relieve you from pain in a short period, the results would never be long-lasting. For permanent relief solutions, you might have to exercise and visit a chiropractor if the pain persists for a long time.

3. Pain Relief Patches

If you have reoccurring backpain because of long working hours then consuming pain killers every day is not a very healthy solution. In this case, you can go for pain relief patches like Signal Relief. It uses neuro capacitive coupling technology that provides pain relief without any side effects. And because no drug consumption is involved you can use this patch for the entire day without having to worry about its impact. You just have to stick the patch to the area where you have pain sensations, spasms, and stiffness and you will feel the relief in a few minutes. Although it is not a permanent solution to muscle discomforts, it is effective and involves no side effects. You can read more here Signal Relief review

4. Home Remedies

Before going to the doctor or consuming pain killers you can also try some home remedies that might relieve you from the backpain. Try hot and cold therapy that relaxes the muscles and consequently provide pain relief. Apply the hot bag to the area where you have the sensation of pain and gently massage with your fingers. This will relax your muscles then apply the bag of ice on the area for numbing the pain.


The above-listed remedies should work on your backpain and if the backpain persists then visit your doctor. Backpain and the tightening of muscles may also result from a range of serious issues like- arthritis, sciatica, infections, and other abnormalities. Therefore, do not take your backpain lightly because the discomfort may increase manifold with time causing a lot of inconveniences.

Best Guide to Have Good Body Posture

Guide to Have Good Body Posture

Having a good posture says a lot about you from a distance. You might be brilliant and incredible, but speaking strictly as a first impression, slouching is not considered very appealing. Posture is so much more than just standing straight and looking your best. It includes physical form and your capacity to be flexible. Yes, you heard that right. A stiff posture speaks a lot about you.

Posture is also about holding your own weight. Making sure you hold your body in the right manner can have you prevent injury, prevent back aches and even severe health issues. Posture has a lot to do with your physical and mental form than you think.

Kinds of Posture

Posture is how you maintain and hold your physical form. There are two kinds of posture, dynamic and static. Dynamic includes posture while moving, walking, running and other physical activity like jumping and bending over. Static posture is when you are sitting or standing and even sleeping. Believe it or not, fixing static posture is a much more difficult task than you might think.

The key is to have proper dynamic and static posture, but you have to start working on your static posture first. While sitting, or standing or sleeping, you might position your spine. Your spine has natural curves, and their integrity must be maintained. If you have frequent back aches during sleeping, invest in a better mattress. If you have trouble sitting down, get an ergonomic chair. Bottom line make the changes that help your posture and maintains that natural spinal curve.

How Bad Posture effects your Health?

There are plenty of ways poor posture can affect your wellbeing. This includes basic pains and aches but can even transform into severe medical conditions. If you are not careful, bad posture can lead to,

  1. Wearing away of spine, making it fragile and prone to injury
  2. Misalignment of musculoskeletal system
  3. Decreasing flexibility
  4. Constant neck and back aches
  5. Negatively affecting balance
  6. Cause severe medical conditions

How to improve bad posture?

There are plenty of ways you can start of your journey towards proper posture. To improve posture,

  1. Be mindful of how you walk/sit/run/sleep: Simply making sure your posture is right and starting to make the changes then and there can seriously affect your posture in a positive way.
  2. Exercise: Getting plenty of activity during the day can automatically help you fix your posture. The right kind of exercise also makes you flexible. If you have back ache and such, do not get into weight training. That makes your body quite stiff.
  3. Maintain healthy weight: Keeping your weight in check is an effective way to make sure you can carry it with ease. This maintains the integrity of your movements and therefore, your posture.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes: Comfortable shoes might not be considered that highly, but let me tell you, they matter a tonne. You need to make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes to work with. If you already have a shoe but are not comfortable enough then you can use products like Soul Insole to make them comfortable. Have a look at Soul Insole review to better understand how it can helps.
  5. Switch sitting positions often: While sitting, make sure you keep changing your position to avoid your body getting stiff.
  6. Stretch and take plenty walks: You also should stretch each time you feel an ache show up. Walking during breaks is also a good habit to take into consideration.
  7. Support your back: Again, while sitting, consider supporting your back and making sure it is straight at most times. Get an ergonomic chair to provide additional body support.

So, that is what you can do to get a good posture. Remember, your posture speaks a lot about your physical form and mental capacities. Good luck!

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